However, I personally on vanilla desktops like to keep the desktop as vanilla as possible so I don't like to jump ahead of the pushed update level on kernels. It seems that 4.13.6 and higher will successfully shutdown the machine (even though the error still appears briefly during shutdown, it no longer hangs the shutdown or reboot once kernel 4.13.6 (or higher) is installed). Upgrade to a more recent kernel than the latest pushed kernel. This hang can be fixed two ways, take your pick, or find yet another way. This message appears on the black screen during shutdown and it just hangs forever there on the latest pushed kernel (4.13.0). Issue #2: "wlp4s0: failed to remove key (1,ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff) from hardware (-22)" But don't get over-confident, Ubuntu: the "apport" issues with the post-install update/upgrade were really annoying and shoulda coulda been caught before release.

So, all-in-all, competitors had a chance to win me over, but Fedora 26 was too hard, and Linux Mint 18.2 was too soft, but Ubuntu 17.10 was, well, pretty much nearly as close as i could get for now to "just right". I will say that out-of-the-box, Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya did NOT in my humble experience handle the external monitors as well as Ubuntu 17.10 and for me that's a biggie. The VGA 55" monitor does require a manual adjustment after each reboot which despite quite a bit of adventure tinkering, does not seem to be resolvable except by doing a manual "auto configuration" with the remote after each reboot (see below for details). Why am I happy with Artful Aardvark Ubuntu 17.10? Well, for one thing I was able to get my 2 x 55" Westinghouse external displays to play reasonabiy well with Artful Aardvark Ubuntu 17.10. No offense to Fedora and Mint fans everyone has their favorite. After an initial pronounced negative reaction to Artful Aardvark Ubuntu 17.10 I had a brief fling with Fedora desktop (run away, run away!) and Linux Mint (ugh!) and so came back to deal with the Artful Aardvark install and post-install config issues and in the end am far happier with Ubuntu (yet again) than I could ever be with Fedora desktop or Linux Mint Cinnamon desktop (I didn't bother to try the other Linux Mint desktop optons).

These are notes on installing Ubuntu OS 17.10 Artful Aardvark on a Lenovo P70 mobile workstation.