SMPlayer can be installed from RPMfusion repository on Fedora. sudo pacman -S smplayer smtube smplayer-themes smplayer-skins Install SMPlayer on Fedora SMPlayer is included in the extra repository of Arch Linux. Then install SMPlayer with zypper package manager sudo zypper install smplayer smtube smplayer-themes smplayer-skins Install SMPlayer on Arch Linux SMPlayer is included in the packman repository, so enable packman first with this command: sudo zypper ar -f -n packman packman Sudo apt-get install smplayer smtube smplayer-themes smplayer-skins Install SMPlayer on OpenSUSE Leap If you want to keep up with latest version, then you can install SMPlayer using official PPA. SMPlayer is in Ubuntu repository, so you can install it using a simple apt-get command: sudo apt-get install smplayer It can play YouTube videos and download subtitles from.

SMPlayer is the best GUI front-end of MPlayer.It’s free and open source, licensed under GPL. If you ever used totem media player, then you know how tedious it is to install external codecs. They both can play mp4 and mp3 and virtually all video and audio formats out of the box. SMPlayer and VLC are two of my favorite media players. This tutorial shows how to install SMPlayer on Ubuntu, OpenSUSE Leap, Arch Linux and Fedora.