Create the the folder /Library/Application Support/GraphPad/Prism/Config.a) For MAC OSX users (using the Monash GraphPad Prism license).Download the file LabArchivesConfig.txt from here: labarchivesconfig.txt.Cut and paste the password (Note: it is only valid for an hour).Get your personal key from LabArchives. Login to LabArchives and select the LabArchives App authentication in the drop down under your name.Instructions are available in the Software Catalogue (6th Row down, Ticks are Links). Ensure you have a valid licensed installation of Graphpad Prism.How do I set-up GraphPad Prism to work with LabArchives? Additionally, when a Prism project is opened from within your Notebook, it may be re-saved into the same Page from which is resides, preserving both versions of the file. GraphPad Prism (Version 5.04 / 5.0d and higher) has been integrated with LabArchives to enable users to directly export projects from Prism into the LabArchives Notebook. Monash University has a site license for use by students, staff and faculty members. GraphPad Prism is a program designed to combine scientific graphing, comprehensive curve fitting (non-linear regression etc), understandable statistics, and data organisation. Setting up your Mobile LabArchives account Monash SRH - Latrobe Regional and West Gippsland Hospital Libraries Monash SRH - Bairnsdale and Central Gippsland Health Services Libraries

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